Monday, October 21, 2013

Cuiabá - Mato Grosso

Perhaps you've never heard of Cuiabá, but I'm sure you will be enchanted by its beauty and culture.

Tamanduá Bandeira -
Cuiabá is the capital of the state of Mato Grosso and is pronounced with the stress on the last syllable. It is the smallest of the host cities.


- Center-West of Brazil
- Geographical center of South America
- Border with Bolivia
- 1147 km (713 miles) from Brasilia
- Time: -1 difference of Brasilia

The state of Mato Grosso is rich in indigena culture, there are 38 official languages spoken by 38 different groups. The name Cuiabá, for example means arrow fishing. While visiting the city you will have the chance of meeting some natives and buying their crafts. You will also be amazed by the hundreds of species of birds and plants and other animals.
Also you will have the chance of trying many kinds of fish of that region and from Amazon.

Crafts from Mato Grosso -
The Arena Pantanal will receive 4 games during the 2014 World Cup. If your team plays in this beautiful stadium, you will be lucky!

- June 13 - Chile x Australia
- June 17 - Russia x Korea Republic
- June 21 - Nigeria x Bosnia - Herzegovina
- June 24 - Japan x Colombia

Arena Pantanal - Project -

The Marechal Rondon International Airport is located 8 km (5 miles) from the city center.
Address: Av. Governador João Ponce de Arruda, s/nº - Bairro Jardim Aeroporto
There is taxi 24h from the companCooperporto. 
Currency Exchange: União Alternativa
You can read more information in English here and in Spanish here.

Cuiabá is hot city, to see how the weather is like in June, check the post about climate.

My next posts will be about hotels, restaurants, places to visit in the city and about the wild Pantanal.

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